Monday, December 28, 2009



Here is to your 2009 wrapping up with lots of health and joy!
This week we are going to all embark on a brand spanking spiffy fresh New Year’s Resolution. Though I did not make it all the way through 2009 with my resolution next year, I am once again setting a goal to floss at least once a week. I know, daily is suppose to happen, but if it is more than once a quarter than it is an improvement. At least I am honest.
The advice I have for you and your New Year Resolution is to try and look at the whole of you and all aspects of your life. Set goals and set specific changes to help you achieve those goals. I am buying new flossing agents, flavored too and finding what makes it easiest to happen.
Maybe with this fantastic dawning of 2010, you look at how you can improve your life and not take away things. Yes it feels amazing to step on a scale and see the distance it revolves around or counts up to decrease feels amazing. However, our subconscious can see that we are losing something. How many times have you lost and regained, plus some? It is because we do not like to lose things in our life.
Try to set goals, such as to become healthier, to complete a 5K or to eat more veggies. It feels better when we reach our goals and we do not “lose” things. We are creating a whole new healthier self. Try to give to yourself and not take away from. Make it about the reward and not the punishment.
In a church I use to attend we had a “Healing Candle”, with that part of service we would light a candle (obviously) and say a mantra or a prayer or whatever you want to call it along with light a candle. I would like to share that with you. It is a good way to look at ourselves and where we might have a place to focus and also away to find where our strength is. I invite you to look at ways in which you might have disease or dis-ease or fear living in your life. Let it go and live with love.
Healing Candle
Disease is so limited: It cannot cripple love. It cannot shatter hope. It cannot corrode faith. It cannot eat away peace. It cannot destroy confidence. It cannot kill friendship. It cannot shut out memories. It cannot silence courage. It cannot invade the soul. It cannot reduce eternal life. It cannot quench the Spirit. It cannot lessen the power of the resurrection. In god’s love we rest. Amen.
Peace and joy,

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Winter 2010 Classes!

Reiki classes for winter 2010 announced!

Learning about Chakras
February 11 6:30-8:30
Registration requested!

Finding Your Mandala
February 27 12-2
$15 (some materials provided)
Registration requested!

January 30 12-6
February 24 & 25 12-4
March 10 & 11 6-9

All Reiki 1 classes are $125, with $50 deposit due one week before class

March 6 12-6
All Reiki 2 classes are $225, with $50 deposit due one week before class

Reiki Mastership
Coming in late spring 2010

+Ask about full-time student rates.
++Ask about hosting a Reiki class.

Monday, December 21, 2009

December tip #3

Wishing you a joyful and peaceful Winter Solstice!
With the Winter Solstice comes extra activity from the spirit world. This may be an active time for you to be thinking about your family members that have passed on. Not only because the holidays bring this out more, but also the Winter Solstice.
It is so throughout other times of the year, but more so at this transitional point in the year, it is easier for you to talk to those on the other side. They may also come to you more in your dreams and interact with you.
Let your loved ones know you love them and you think about them and talk to them. It is possible. You can also ask for a sign, but make it simple and somewhat common.
Here are my suggestion on how to help you. Remember that now your loved ones are angels now and may not be readily available, for they may be watching over you or someone else in your family. So be patient your symbol or sign may not come right away. Sit somewhere private and quiet, outside might be good, for different reasons, but be comfortable. Talk to them and let them know what you are thinking. They may not be able to reply back the way you would like, but there are things you can do to help you to know they heard you. One thing I use is a feather. You will be amazed at where the symbol you asked for will show up. I've gone to the restroom in a department store and found a feather sitting there on the holder for the toilet paper. I hope that was not a TMI thing. haha! I also had a friend in spirit play a song constantly in department stores, restaurants, elevators and so on to let me know he was with me for a few days. It was nice and made me smile. I have not heard it since, unless I play it specifically on my iPod. Remember though that something you relate with your loved one may not always be the thing that they would think of so maybe make it a neutral thing. That is why a feather has worked for me.
There are a lot of other examples, like a client would get a stitch in their side every year on their birthday. Their brother would "goosy" them from behind when he was here in his physical body, so as an angel they got a stitch every year on their birthday on the same side. So our loved ones are around us, we just have to stop and pay attention to how they talk to us. We also have to be willing to know they are there too and talk to them.
Peace and joy!

Monday, December 14, 2009

stress reduce tip #2

Happy Hanukkah!
With us well on our way through December the malls are full and people are running here and there to find the perfect gift. It can not only add stress to you for getting out in the hussle and bussle, but can add to the stress to your financial budget. Take time this year and maybe consider a few of these gifts.
1. or Global Giving - You help people in other countries or even this country to support their organization or to help fund their new business adventures. They have various denominations of gift certificates you can choose from and is certainly a gift that will feel good to give.

2. Try something homemade, whether you bake or make something, it shows you took time and it came from the heart. Not to mention you can fill whatever you make with your love. Here are few ideas: Cookie jars, bake a loaf of bread or some cookies, paint or some kind of artistic adventure.

3. Pampered stuff, everyone likes to feel good. Get a nice bar of soap so they can feel special and smell good.

4. Volunteer or donate to a local organization in someones name.

5. Always give from the heart and not out of expectations. It will help you feel more fulfilled and less stressed.

Enjoy the weeks ahead!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Happy December 2009!

Happy December!

The weeks ahead of us are full of joy, sadness, stress, frustration and laughter. I cannot think of a month throughout a year that brings so many different emotions and often very strong. I hope that these next few weeks of discussion will help you through these most trying weeks of Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, Christmas, Kwanza and the dawning of 2010.

I get caught in the expectation of the holiday season and remember the joyous carefree times of my childhood. So I get sad when it does not have the same feeling of running down the hall, in my jammies, bed head, morning breath and all, to look at the excitement of what Santa left me. You see until I was older and had some sort of concept of money (though this was not until recent years, LOL!) how incredibly stressful this could have been on my parents.

Not to mention that I have mammoth stocking that my parents would try to fill every year. You see, I came home on Christmas day in 1972 in that red stocking. Now it fits like a long tube sock, but at one time baby Rhonda was snuggled down inside. To fill that stocking is impossible as not only have they, but Tammy too has tried to fill this stocking. All to come up with a lot of extra stocking at the end. If it was a bag of chips, we would be good to go with some snack-mosphere.

Now that red stocking, tho full, does not have a physical thing inside of it. It is full of joyous memories and with love. Though many of the memories involve people in my life that have moved away or passed on, but they are still in my heart. My grandmother laughing at my bear claw bedroom slippers and putting them on and motoring around with her walker wearing bear feet or my friend Walt who wore a Santa hat and a big grin almost all of December.

So this holiday season, try to remember what and who you do have and not what you do not. Let those around you know they are important and not just during December. It is easy to not appreciate what we do have until we do not. Especially when there is love involved and a warm and fuzzy memory of years gone by. Do something special in memory of those no longer with us and let them know that you love them, chances are they are not to far from hearing. (I buy a poinsettia and give it to someone in memory of my grandmother and always wear a Santa hat on Christmas Eve with a big grin.) They are most likely a guardian angel looking over you and they too love you too. You'll know that something special to do.

Happy December!

Friday, November 20, 2009

5 weeks and 5 precepts week 5

First off, I want to let you know that from next week through the holiday season I will be offering tips and suggestions to help you get through this season with less stress and more joy. For many it is a stressful, sad and unhappy time for many reasons, so these are to help increase joy and love all around us. Another exciting thing I am going to start on Monday through the first of the year, is to post on my status, some tidbit of holiday trivia, for the first person to correctly answer the question, you will win a free 30 minute reflexology appointment. Only one opportunity to win throughout the season, so everyone has an opportunity to feel the joy of winning. So pay attention, have fun and good luck!

I have enjoyed the past five weeks. As I have enjoyed learning new things and being reminded of things, I hope that you have too. Now for the fifth precept.

5. Aware of the suffering caused by unmindful consumption, I vow to cultivate good health, both physical and mental, for myself, my family, and my society by practicing mindful eating, drinking and consuming. I vow to ingest only items that preserve peace, well-being, and joy in my body, in my consciousness, and in the collective body and consciousness of my family and society. I am determined not to use alcohol or any other intoxicant or to ingest foods or other items that contain toxins, such as certain TV programs, magazines, books, films, and conversations. I am aware that to damage my body or my consciousness with these poisons is to betray my ancestors, my parents, my society, and future generations. I will work to transform violence, fear, anger, and confusion in myself and in society by practicing a diet for myself and for society. I understand that a proper diet is crucial for self-transformation and for the transformation of society.

Well, there is a lot to cover. In short, this can be a lengthy discussion and has so many different branches to look into ourselves with. Take a moment to digest what the fifth precept is saying and a moment to reflect. It does wrap up the five weeks in connecting our mind and our body to the overall health of ourselves and our society.

The base belief is to be mindful of what we put into our body, this includes the things we entertain ourselves with. If we watch a lot of violence, this energy is put back into the world, just by our reactions and by saying it is okay to continue to make movies and television programs with unnecessary violence, not to say any violence is okay. As mentioned in an above precept.

Now I can go into the organic foods and pesticides and the chemicals that are on or in our foods, but I am not. Just know that there are harmful elements within food that is not organic.

The long of the short of the five weeks is to be mindful and think of the impact that we have on our society as a whole. All of our actions impact others, even if we are not in direct contact with them. The best is to love and respect all.

Peace and joy,

Thursday, November 12, 2009

5 weeks and 5 precepts week 4

Please keep the same respect as we have kept the past three weeks. Enjoy the journey and hope you have learned something new, with one more week left. I know I have learned a lot and have seen how it is linked to other spiritual practices.

“4. Aware of the suffering caused by unmindful speech and the inability to listen to others, I vow to cultivate loving speech and deep listening in order to bring joy and happiness to others and relieve others of their suffering. Knowing that words can create happiness or suffering, I vow to learn to speak truthfully, with words that inspire self-confidence, joy, and hope. I am determined not to spread news that I do not know to be certain and not to criticize or condemn thins of which I am not sure. I will refrain from uttering words that can cause division or discord, or that can cause the family or the community to break. I will make all efforts to reconcile and resolve all conflicts, however small.”

So; were you picked on in school by a bully? Told by someone you love you won’t amount to anything? Called fat, ugly or some other scaring name?
Then; have you been praised? Gotten a pat on the back? Told that you did a good job and inspired someone?
If you are lucky, you have only experienced the latter, but for many of us we have been picked on possibly still are and those words never really leave the back of our minds. For many it stays in the front of their minds and they may never able to achieve their maximum potential. While others are able to push through, because they had one person to believe in them and their potential and they have gone on to do amazing things.
Words of hate are spoken out of fear, for whatever reason. How many bullies have you watched on a school play ground, run to a car with a greeting parent to hear the same “bully words” spoken to them? Sad but true, many bullies are picked on by someone they love. This does not make it okay to say or do these things, it shows that patterns are created and continued. Even just by watching what someone may say or do and they see the reaction that can be received.
Sadly there have been many people to have died at the words of a bully or someone to have taken the words spoken by someone seriously even if it was meant as a joke. Sometimes the actions of words are taken to extremes and become violent. I am reminded of Matthew Shepherd, bullied and beaten to death for being gay, James R. Byrd Jr. bullied and beaten to death for being black. The many unspoken names of people who gave up and committed suicide and this can go on.
There are many people who have succumbed to hate speech in some form or another. Many just give up on themselves, while others have a different fate. Our words have energy and they pack a mighty punch and may impact more than a fist. Remember this next time you find yourself angry, afraid or otherwise about to speak something negative.

Peace and joy,

Monday, November 9, 2009

5 weeks and 5 precepts week 3

This has been quite an interesting couple of weeks, we are entering week three and I hope this opens your mind and heart as much as the previous two weeks has mine.

Same levels of respect as the two previous weeks are appreciated.
“3. Aware of the suffering caused by sexual misconduct, I vow to cultivate responsibility and learn ways to protect the safety and integrity of individuals, couples, families and society. I am determined not to engage in sexual relations without love and a long-term commitment. To preserve the happiness of myself and others, I am determined to respect my commitments and the commitments of others. I will do everything in my power to protect from sexual abuse and to prevent couples and families form being broken by sexual misconduct.”
Oh wow! How many times have we sent hat happen to someone we know or to us? Life happens and we are human. We have human feelings, thoughts and reactions. So many various situations, experiences and occurrences can put us into situations that can be difficult.
This goes back sort of to the first precept in that it is important to respect ourselves and others. To recognize that our actions do not only for some brief moment in time satisfy whatever it is that we may be craving, but it can and does affect the lives of may other people around us.
This kind of goes with the exercise we are given as a child growing up to deal with or temper. Stop, count to ten and think about what can happen, who is affected, and how it can affect your life and the life of others.
It goes without saying that we are all connected, we are all one and we all take care of each other. We have to remember that our actions and reactions do not just affect us.

Peace and joy,

Thursday, October 29, 2009

5 weeks and 5 precepts week 2

Welcome to week 2 of discussing the 5 precepts. Thank you Deb for your thoughtful input and contribution to the discussion.
As with week one the same levels of respect still apply with this week and the following weeks. Please and thank you.

The 2nd Precept:
Aware of the suffering caused by exploitation, social injustice, stealing, and oppression, I vow to cultivate loving kindness and learn ways to work for the well-being of people, animals and plants. I vow to practice generosity by sharing my time, energy, and material resources with those who are in real need. I am determined not to steal and not to possess anything that should belong to others. I will respect the property of others, but I will prevent others from profiting from suffering or the suffering of other species on Earth.

2. Adinnadana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami: I observe the precept of abstaining from taking that which is not given.

This precept has several levels to it, just as the first and can have many focal points of interpretation. My brief interpretation is to do you work well, do it honestly and respect others along your path. One view is being honest in the work you do and to honor the people you work for and the people who come to you for assistance (wherever you work).

In addition to the practice of respecting one another in our interactions of our employment it also includes the work done to assist the community in which you live. That it can be seemed as selfish to not share of your time, resources or knowledge to create a better world around us. This interpretation can also help in the Buddhist practice of non-attachment. By not being afraid of losing things, money and so on, it helps to not create unhappiness at the possible moment of loss. This is more complicated and a whole discussion of it's own, but none the less here is something to look at.

Take this to the extreme way of looking and thinking of this precept. Imagine if it was okay for us to steal. Let us say that we were like Robin Hood and we were taking from the rich to give to the poor. This does not give any right to privacy and at what point does it become okay to cross to others to steal from. This could then create a state of turmoil and injustice, causing many levels of unrest.

Remember that any look at ourselves and the lives around us in a different way can seem absurd, scary and may seem insulting. I invite you to continue on this journey of looking at yourself and seeing how you can apply the precepts to your life or your current spiritual practice. The key word there being practice, because we are continually in a state of change and self improvement. Our will, is constantly challenged.

Peace and joy,

Thursday, October 22, 2009

5 weeks and 5 precepts week 1

Those of you who know me, also know that I react to signs. If something crosses my path more than three times or I also use feathers for signs, but either way I got a sign. Something crossed my path now three times and I finally stopped to listen and decided to share it with you. It is not something new, but I recognize it was something I had forgotten.

I also recognize that there is a possibility that it may offend you or not be in your spiritual belief system. I invite you to read on any how and see how similar it is to whatever believe system you have. I have had "The Five Wonderful Precepts" cross my path and over the next five weeks will be sharing each of the five with you and invite discussion with you on these. Please remember as you share your thoughts, that you do not pass judgment on someones belief or try to force your belief on someone. It is a non-biased conversation about a spiritual belief. Maybe offer a similar belief in your spiritual practice.

Buddha gave us the five precepts as kind of a way to live, but they are not considered to be the Buddhist version of the ten Commandments, but ways of which to live our lives and in using a Buddhist term reach Nirvana. This is the simple way of describing without getting into a whole discussion of several other Buddhist concepts that it has been considered connected to.

The version of the precepts I will use are taken from Thich Nhat Hanh after a retreat in 1991, replacing the do not's from the original version to a more positive affirming phrase. Though I will include the original form.
" 1. Aware of the suffering caused by the destruction of life, I vow to cultivate compassion and learn ways to protect the lives of people, animals, and plants. i am determined not to kill, not to let others kill, and not to condone any act of killing in the world, in my thinking and in my way of life.
Original Sanskrit and direct translation version:
"1. Panatipata veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami: I observe the precept of abstaining from the destruction of life. "

This is kind of obvious on some point in that for us all to live in harmony we recognize all sentient beings as having feelings and deserving of respect. A sentient being is someone who is able to feel, basically any creature living or breathing. In Buddhism plants and trees are considered sentient.

In short, we watch after each other and help each other and all of God's creatures out wherever we are able. Remembering that as humans and thinking beings, often times those around us have to go through their own path in life, even though it may be difficult to watch. It is their karmic path for this life, we just offer what we can
We pass this love and compassion and respect onto our pets and family and even friends. One sentient being we often forget is ourselves. Interestingly enough, it took me almost 10 years to realize this myself. Even though I had been practicing non-violence toward others (The practice used by Martin Luther King and by Ghandi)it was not until I was reading a book, until I realized that the compassion I gave others, I was not giving myself. I put myself down, did not give myself the same level of respect I gave others, although I was and am just as deserving. So remember that as a sentient being you have all the right to treat yourself with compassion, love and understanding that you give others.

This is the first of five precepts. All as kind of a "lesson plan" for living a more fulfilled life. I hope you enjoy this glance at the five precepts and it helps you to look at places in your life where you might be able to enrich you and brighten the light within you.

Peace and joy,

Monday, October 19, 2009

October tip too

I hope this finds everyone doing well and enjoying the lovely colors of fall, whereever you are. So far it is proving to be a pretty fall here in Roanoke, VA.

We just returned from the Outer Banks in North Carolina. We had some crazy weather from a random weather pattern going through, twice. So we only one good play on the beach day, but it was still a great trip.

On the return trip I caught myself thinking and even saying, "Are we there yet?". This took me back to the trips with the parental units and my sister, as we traveled all over the place. I purposefully do not talk about the trip to Boston, MA for a reason, though it had fun memories. The moving from point A to point B were not fun. Though I was enjoying our trip back from North Carolina as we planned and chatted about the trip we are planning in March for a 10K race and talking about other random thoughts. I was ready to be home to my furkids that did not go with us, but then stepped back to enjoy the furkids with us in the car and enjoy the moments we were sharing driving back.

Now you wonder, why am I tell you all of this. You see I have a friend, Tammy finally stopped saying it, that says constantly "I see a light at the end of the tunnel". I am always saying that you have to find the light now and that there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Now here is what I mean.

Let us think of it this way and no I am not telling you that goals are not good, but chasing the "light" is not. Here is why. If you are saying there is a light at the end of the tunnel and you are working toward that, you are saying that you are unhappy with where you are at this moment. Therefore working toward your perception of a happier place, time or whatever that may be. See it as the "grass is green on the other side" kind of thing.

Now back to the light. If you are always waiting to get to that "light" at the end of your tunnel, at what point are you happy or pleased with what you are doing right now? There is the key word, NOW. If you are in the present moment and in the "now", then you are not chasing after something you should be experiencing already. So always working toward that "light at the end of the tunnel" is only exhausting yourself, when all you have to do is look at where you are and find your happiness and find where you have contentment. If it is not there, then be happy that you recognize there are things you wish to change, but stop chasing the light. There is no light, it is in your heart already. All you have to do is sit, look and listen.

Let your light shine bright, right now!

Peace and joy,

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

October tip'n more

Hey! Happy October! October is a big month for awareness issues.

First off, it is National Pretzel month. Who knew?!

Second it is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month!
This is a very serious issue! If you know someone or if you yourself are in a domestic violence situation, please call 1800-799-7233. Thank you Saffire and the Uppity Blues Women,I'll always remember that number and grateful to not be in a situation any more to need it. Domestic Violence takes all forms, shape and sizes and can reach any type of family very unexpectedly. During financially tight times statistics show that domestic violence to adults, children and pets has been known to rise. Do not hesitate to dial 9-1-1, it could save more than one life.

Third it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Also an issue that is on the rise and increasing. Especially with cancer expected to take the lead in 2010 for cause of death. So sad considering many cancers can be prevented and treated if caught early enough, such as breast cancer. Be sure to get to know the facts about Breast Cancer at or Both sites have excellent information and about treatment options.

In case you didn't know, the Susan G. Komen Foundaiton was started by a sister who made a promise to her sister when she was dieing of cancer. It is now the largest foundation with a single cancer focus. There are all sorts of Breast Cancer Awareness events in Roanoke, VA and beyond, be sure to find an event near you and help build awareness. Guys, do not you are at risk too!
According to the CDC (Centers of Disease Control):
# 186,467 women and 1,764 men were diagnosed with breast cancer.
# 41,116 women and 375 men died from breast cancer.

Get to know the facts and do a self exam once a month!

Be aware!

Friday, September 25, 2009

last tip of September 2009

One thing that keeps coming up for me this week, not only for myself, but the clients that I have seen is "choice". We all have choices and one choice that works for me, might not work for someone else. Our choices also have the potential of causing all sorts of other scenarios in our life. We choose to get caught up in the story, the work drama, the family drama, the excuse, the (fill in the blank) and so on...

The little word "CHOICE" can be crippling sometimes and often our choice is used to blame others. The one thing with our choice is that we have to "own up" to the choice(s) that we have made and make the best of the situation. It may not be how we had planned, but that is how it is sometimes. From that we learn to make a different choice and perhaps that choice will be a better one for us in the long run.

The important thing here is it was our choice, though it might have had some weight added to it and difficult to make another choice. So accept it for what it is and make the best of the situation and choose to take control of your choices and accept it as what you decided to do.

Be choosey, but not wishy-washy!

Peace and joy,

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

New office

Hey! I've moved and ready for your appointments and wanted you to know where to find me and contact me. Here is the letter I sent out so that you can find me and know some of the cool things that I will start offering with the new office. It is going to be exciting and lots of new stuff coming in the near future. I have also included the prices of the services I offer, I will also be sending out more detail about some of the new services that I am offering.

You can find me now at Holistic Energy Works, Rhonda Chattin, 2037 Electric Road; Roanoke, VA 24018, same email and phone number,; 540-998-9087

Hi! I wanted to take a moment and thank you for being such a wonderful client it has been a pleasure to have had the opportunity to get to know you here in the Grandin Road office. I have a new exciting opportunity and I hope that you will be able to move along with me, because there will be more wonderful opportunities available to you.

I am moving the Holistic Energy Works office to 2037 Electric Road, in the Oak Grove Plaza along 419. If you go through the double doors with the “Melody Makers” sign above them and follow the stairs or take the elevator to the second floor, you will find me. The new office space, has a large more private meeting room for workshops and classes, overall it offers more possibilities for expansion.

Some of the new services that I will be starting to offer will be weekly workshops on Thursdays (which is beginning in August), more frequency of guided meditation series, and offering more modalities for healing. In addition to Reiki and reflexology, I will begin to offer Spiritual Mentoring, Chakra Balancing, and energy balancing, plus others planned throughout the year. In addition to new workshops, there will be the addition of a “Healing Plan”. This will start by offering you affirmations and many other suggestions to aid you along your path of healing.

I apologize if this creates an inconvenience to your appointments, feel free and talk to me about any concerns or questions that you may have with the new office space. I look forward in working with you more in the future.

Peace and joy,

Rhonda Chattin
*pricing is below

Services and Fees

Reiki $30 per session
$55 for 3 consecutive sessions w/in a
Fur-kid Reiki $25 for the first fur-kid
$5 for each additional
Reflexology $40 per session
Reflexology + Reiki $55 per session
Raindrop Therapy $50 per session
Chakra Balancing $30 per session
Energy Balancing $50 per session
Private Guided meditation $15 per meditation
Spiritual Mentoring $40 per session
House clearing $75 for first 2000 sq ft.;
$25 for each 1000 additional \

Reiki Classes

Reiki 1 $125 per student
Reiki 2 $225 per student
*Reiki 1 & 2 Full-time students can receive a discount.
Reiki 3 or Mastership $300 per student

*Other workshops vary in price.
**I can also bring classes and workshops to you or a group, feel free and ask.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

thursday at 7

Sorry for the late notification in the blog, though there has been an event on the Facebook Group page. This Thursday at 7pm is a Guided Meditation for $5 it is part of the Thursdays at 7 series. This month we will look at the elements of fire, water, earth and wind in the guided meditation. It is a peaceful journey within yourself. Look forward to seeing you there. It will be held at the office at 1719 Grandin Road.

Next Thursday at the new office (in the Oak Grove Plaza), we will be the Creative Journal Thursday. Bring your own journal and since of adventure. If you cannot make it there is a virtual option, though you will not be able to have the group interaction, which is a lot of fun. If you cannot make it and wish to participate in the Creative Journal, all you will need to do is mail a $5 check or drop it by the office and it is just that easy. I will connect you to all of your journal needs.

In the next week I will be posting a new Reiki 1 classes and Reiki 2 class, to have you ready for the Reiki Mastership class in late November. If you have any question about the classes, feel free to ask.

Peace and joy,

Friday, August 14, 2009

3rd Thursdays at 7 and more

We had a great time last night at the Teen Lightworkers workshop! We learned about the labyrinth and meditation and a little beginning on energy. It was a nice time and next month we are going to add a part during the Teen Lightworkers Workshop for a little creative journaling. :o)

I have two more gift certificates at half off left for Reflexology, which will make them $20. I cannot waste supplies and the old address cannot be on my gift certificates in the new office.

This week we have the Adult Lightworkers class. This week we will look more at protecting ourselves from the energy around us, because there are all sorts of things that can take our energy away. This will be the first of many to address this subject, so if you cannot make it do not worry, others are on the way!

Peace and joy,

Friday, August 7, 2009

gift certificate and workshops news and updates

Hey! As you know I am moving to a new office space and cannot take the old gift certificates with me and I do not like to waste resources.

Soooo, I have gift certificates at half price. I located 3 more Reiki gift certificates at ($15 each) and 3 more reflexology + one that didn't sell yet gift certificates ($20 each)!!!! These go fast!!!!

This week we were to have had the first Creative Journal Group, but it being a beautiful sunny August evening, there was not a lot of people in attendance, other than myself. So in September (Sept.3) we will begin!!!

This coming week will be the first of the "Teen Lightworkers Workshops". This is for teens trying to understand the world around us and to not be afraid of what they do not understand. We will begin with the very basic of understanding energy, seeing our energy and how our actions impact others. It will be fun and interactive and good for all levels of teens 12-18. $5 and will be held in Holistic Energy Works office at Grandin Gardens office this month at 1719 Grandin Road, SW; Suite 197 (downstairs). In September we move to the new office for all appointments and workshops and classes.

I feel like offering tip this week too. Next time you pass a mirror stop and smile at yourself. You're an amazing person, whether you realize it or not. I hope you do, but if not, I know one day you will smile at yourself.

Look forward to seeing you guys in the near future!

Peace and joy!


Thursday, July 30, 2009

a new space and new workshops

I will apologize ahead of time for the next couple of weeks and the weekly messages you will get as we lead into the Thursday at 7 classes. I want to make sure that you are in the know!

First off, I have a new office space and will begin seeing clients and holding workshops and classes there in September! Though I am going to miss my current office, I need to update a lot of stuff. Like, gift certificates. I have three Reiki and eight reflexology gift certificates that are soon to have my old address on them and I cannot have that. SOOOOOOO, I am selling these to you at half price over the next couple of weeks, so that I do not waste resources and can get new ones! They will be good for the regular time, of six months from the date of purchase, but I will not be selling the gift certificates with the old address on after these are gone! Reiki gift certificates will be $15 and Reflexology will be $20! That is a real bargain and only applies for these remaining gift certificates! Great for gifts for you or a friend! If the location makes a difference to you, I will be moving to Oak Grove Plaza on 419, just above Hair Affair (I think that is the correct name).

Now for the class! Next week we start off with the Creative Journal Workshop on Thursday at 7pm, for $5. I know you are thinking you are an adult and stopped writing in a journal or diary long after high school. Well this is different! As I have said, today 90% of your thinks you thinked yesterday and will think tomorrow. This journal group is a great way to use more of your noggin and to change your thinks! It can help you at work to reach solutions, because your creative side will be more active. Or you could relax more because you stopped thinking those same three thinks day in and day out. There are so many benefits to a journal!

This is not a tough gotta write every day journal group and you share as you are comfortable, but there will be small things that you will have to do in your journal each month. For example, the first month you will need to introduce yourself to your journal! :o) Then write at least once a week til September, even if you procrastinate and write four entries the week before the next workshop that is ok. I'm not grading you, it is all for fun. It is also good for everyone of all ages so even if your teen wants to join, nothing will be inappropriate. Everyone is welcome!

Look forward to seeing you!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

2nd tip of July 2009

Hope that your summer so far has been full of joy and beauty! Here in Roanoke it seems to be very cool for what we have had in the past. While out on our morning bike rides we are having to wear long sleeves. That is nice.

Summer for many is a time of vacation and relaxation, while others it is stressfull. For some people the idea of vacation is stressful, because of the preparation, travel and not to mention expense of getting away. Though it is still important to take a vacation, to have that downtime.

Downtime is important on many levels. It helps us to have a different four corners to look at, it gives us a different focus and oh so many other benefits from time off. If you are not able to leave your home/city for whatever reason for a vacation, recognize it is still important to take time off of work, if even a couple of days. Some just do not have that financial luxary and I am sorry. However, there are a few things you can do to help improve your stress and to help gain more clarity.

1. Get a good nights sleep! Yea, sometimes easier said than done. Life happens sometimes and sleep doesn't. Do your best to get enough sleep and to sleep well. Exercise helps me to sleep, cause my physical body is not so tense, it is able to let go more believe it or not moderate walking is enough to relax most people.

2. Exercise! Yep I mentioned it before, excercise helps to reduce stress and gives you more energy. In short energy makes energy. :o) Kind of like fire creating heat, your body getting out and moving gives you internal heat.

3. Meditation! I meditate everyday, some days more than others, but at least 10 minutes daily. It is easy to tell when I have and have not meditated. I think more clearly and am able to carry on a more focused conversation. Even my friends are able to notice.

Here is how it works. We think the same thinks almost everyday. In fact studies show that 90% of what we think about today is what we thought about yesterday and will think about tomorrow. Yea, that stressed me out, when I had a thought and started trying to figure out if I had thought that already this week or not.

Meditation works by putting you in a quiet or relaxing space and putting you in the present moment. There are different forms of meditation; zen, guided, walking and a few others. There is a meditation out here for everyone, so don't just say I tried and move on. AND NO you do not have to twist yourself up like a pretzel. Hang tight, here is a brief description.

1. Zen meditation - Is for many a very stressfull form of meditation, because it does not occupy your senses. I find it to be the most relaxing. It is the simple act of counting your exhaled breathes from one to ten. Many people have difficulty sitting and semi-staring at a wall counting their breath in complete silence.

2. Guided meditation - Is the simple act of listening to an established journey that you take within your mind. Often with gentle music in the background someone will talk you through an already established script or mindful journey. No need for a imagination, it is practically layed out for you.

3. Walking meditation - Is walking! Simple as that, but adds in a little zen meditaion. It is walking with a gentle pace, correct posture, looking forward and focusing on your exhaled breathes, counting them in your head.

Meditation helps relax, reduce stress, improve sleep, help healing and so much more. If you have any other questions feel free and ask. I offer monthly guided meditations or private meditations in the office or can meet with you to help find the type of meditation that will work best for you.

One thing I have not mentioned is meditation helps us to hear. It helps us to hear our guardian angels, spirit guides and God, because our mind isn't always rolling through the same 90% of the thoughts you had yesterday.

Peace & joy,

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

thursdays at 7 beginning in August

To clear up any confusion about the Thursday at 7 workshops and meditations, we are starting all of them in August. Descriptions are below. See you then!

Then on the first Thursday there will be a creative journal group that will begin meeting. This group is to help you to have different things to look at and to help you to have different ways to look at you and your life. It is also a fun way to help you to have a unique tool, when you are in need of releasing, put down a memory and telling your story. This is not intense class, no hardcore daily journal requirements. Bring your own journal, cause we all have unique tastes! Each month for each person the class will cost $5. You can join at any time!

So that we do not leave out our younger folks experiencing the world around us, beginning in August on the second Thursdays there will be workshops offered. They will vary from the very simple understanding the energy around ourselves, to chakras, our interconnectedness and so much more. All fun and with various learning levels in mind. Ages 12-18, only $5. Come as you are able.

On the third Thursday, there will be a random series of workshops, from Mandalas, learning about Fearies or many other workshops helping you connect ad to stay connected to the world around you. We will begin with Faeries in your garden. These workshops will be $10 a month. Materials will be provided for many of these workshops, such as paint and painting surface for your mandala.

On the fourth Thursday, I will begin holding a regular guided meditation. The regular guided meditations will be simple meditations to help relax, focus, and balance many aspects of your life. Only $5 per person each month.

Don't forget in September to join us for five weeks, there guided meditation taking us through the five elements. Helping you to gain balance in the five elements that are within ourselves and all around us.

See you soon!
Peace and joy-

Sunday, July 5, 2009

first tip July 2009

Here are some upcoming improvements and additions to Holistic Energy Works. Helping you to heal all of you! Recognizing your mind, body and spirit are all connected in you being able to remain healthy and happy are important, these next few additions to your life might be exactly what you need.

On the third Thursday starting in July, there will be a random series of workshops, from Mandalas, learning about Fearies or many other workshops helping you connect ad to stay connected to the world around you. We will begin with Faeries in your garden. These workshops will be $10-$15 a month, depending on the materials needed for each. Materials will be provided for many of these workshops, such as paint and painting surface for your mandala.

On the fourth Thursday of each month starting in July I will begin holding a regular guided meditation. The regular guided meditations will be simple meditations to help relax, focus, and balance many aspects of your life. Only $5 per person each month.

Then on the first Thursday starting in August (because we've already had the first Thursday in July) there will be a creative journal group that will begin meeting. This group is to help you to have different things to look at and to help you to have different ways to look at you and your life. It is also a fun way to help you to have a unique tool, when you are in need of releasing, put down a memory and telling your story. This is not intense class, no hardcore daily journal requirements. Bring your own journal, cause we all have unique tastes! Each month for each person the class will cost $5. You can join at any time!

So that we do not leave out our younger folks experiencing the world around us, beginning in August on the second Thursdays there will be workshops offered. They will vary from the very simple understanding the energy around ourselves, to chakras, our interconnectedness and so much more. All fun and with various learning levels in mind. Ages 12-18, only $5.

Then beginning in September, I offer a special series of guided meditations on another night focusing on the elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Metal. This will be offered in 5 consecutive weeks The elements used as part of my reflexology practice, to help your body to maintain homeostasis. I will go into that more later. Either $5 a week or $20 if you pay in advance for all five meditations. You do not have to attend each one, come as you are able.

All of these classes will be from 7-9 and are opened to everyone of any levels of experience or knowledge, I think that each person will enjoy many aspects of each. If you have any questions about any of these classes feel free to ask!!! :o) I would rather have you in the "know" than not in the "know".

If you have a group or wish to have a private class I can do that too. For these workshops and for the Reiki classes offered. Just send me a messege or email or call.

Now if you're still with me our Facebook Group has reached 105 people! Exciting and for the next 5 people to schedule a new appointment with me, I will discount your appointment $10.50. :o) Regular price for Reiki is $30 and Reflexology is $40.

Peace and joy!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Reiki for teens!

Help ease those teen years with Reiki 1 certification for teens July 21 - 23, 1-4 each day!
Each teen will receive a packet of handouts, with information about Reiki and how they can use it as a regular part of their life. To learn how they can take the five Reiki principles and apply them to different aspects of their life.
How energy affects us all and how our interactions with everyone affects those around us. Including our friends, classmates and family.
Reiki is a wonderful way to ease some of the bumps that are so tough about the years of confusion.
Designed for teens 11-15 and is only $75 per student!
Feel free to ask for more information!

Peace and joy!

Monday, June 22, 2009

2nd tip for June 2009!

Happy summer!Last week I was asked a question about learning Reiki. It goes something like this, "If I can just come to you each week for Reiki, why do I need to learn Reiki?". So I thought, you might be having the exact same question.
Just because you are certified and open to giving the Reiki energy in a treatment session, does not mean that you do not have to stop your treatment sessions. In fact I still receive Reiki sessions from others.
Here is why. It goes along with the old saying, "Physician heal thyself". I'm not a physician, but each day I do my own Reiki healing session with myself. However at times when I began to feel out of balance and not well I call another practioner to recieve a treatment. It helps me to one, strengthen my Reiki connection that might have become weak when I was upset. It also helped to clear my mind so that I could focus on my own healing and to continue to be effective in helping others to heal.
Now, you say, I do not want to heal myself, I don't have time. I will first say, I am sorry to hear that. Then I am going to ask: Do you have children?Do you have pets?A loved one in a care facility?and I can keep asking...
Reiki can be used on your children, elderly, pets, yourself, to help heal bruises, scraps and other summer fun bumps, help calm tantrums and in so many other ways. It is not something to replace other treatments you are doing or they are doing, but to work with. It is giving healing energy, so it works WONDERFULLY with other sources of healing.
Reiki can help you:RelaxHave better focusImprove sleepingImprove healingPrevent disease/dis-easeReduce stressand I can go on and on...
Then Reiki is beneficial, not only for you, but for those around you. Reiki goes to where you need it most or where the person you are working on needs it the most. Since it comes from God (or whomever your higher source is, Buddha, Mother Nature, or yourself), Reiki knows what to work on.
So this summer there are a few opportunities and there will be more to come to take a Reiki 1 class. Reiki 1 is $125 and includes a book and handouts. I ask that you sign up at least a week before the class is to be held so that I can order books and get copies of the handouts for you. If you are a full-time student I offer a discount for Reiki 1 ($75) and Reiki 2 ($175). I also offer private classes, though those are discounted and I can also come to a group you might want to offer a Reiki class. Look under events and news for the upcoming scheduled classes!
If you have any questions feel free to call and ask.
Peace and joy!-Rhonda

Monday, June 15, 2009

first tip in June

Happy Full moon!
Want to let you know that there are people signed up for the Reiki 1 class, June 10 & 11 (two day course) 1-5, if you want to sign up let me know! $125 for the two day course, handouts, books and attunement all included. Let me know if you have any other questions.

This weeks tip is to read the food ingredients of what you eat! For example your wheat bread, might not be so much wheat. If it has carmel coloring, chances are it is not so much wheat. Look for whole grains and read your ingredients careful! Read all ingredients careful, it might look healthy on the outside, but inside it has High Fructose Cornsyrup, Partially Hydrogenated Oils and other things that do not give you nutrients and can be hurtful to your body.
Remember the food that goes in helps to power your body, so choose wisely. Lots of varied colors and cooked in a healthy way is what you want. There are all sorts of healthy cookbooks out there, check them out!

When was the last time you had a strawberry shake at Burger King? Here is the ingredients list. Let me know if you find real STRAWBERRY in there anywhere. :0)

Happy munching!
Where is the strawberry?

Corn Syrup, Water, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Citric Acid, Artificial Flavor, Sodium Benzoate (Preservative),
and Colored with Red #40. (Modified March 2007)

If you break down the true meaning behind the ingredients.
"A typical artificial strawberry flavor, like the kind found in a Burger King strawberry milk shake, contains the following ingredients: amyl acetate, amyl butyrate, amyl valerate, anethol, anisyl formate, benzyl acetate, benzyl isobutyrate, butyric acid, cinnamyl isobutyrate, cinnamyl valerate, cognac essential oil, diacetyl, dipropyl ketone, ethyl acetate, ethyl amyl ketone, ethyl butyrate, ethyl cinnamate, ethyl heptanoate, ethyl heptylate, ethyl lactate, ethyl methylphenylglycidate, ethyl nitrate, ethyl propionate, ethyl valerate, heliotropin, hydroxyphenyl-2-butanone (10 percent solution in alcohol), a-ionone, isobutyl anthranilate, isobutyl butyrate, lemon essential oil, maltol, 4-methylacetophenone, methyl anthranilate, methyl benzoate, methyl cinnamate, methyl heptine carbonate, methyl naphthyl ketone, methyl salicylate, mint essential oil, neroli essential oil, nerolin, neryl isobutyrate, orris butter, phenethyl alcohol, rose, rum ether, g-undecalactone, vanillin, and solvent. "

The Atlantic (

Monday, June 8, 2009

tip one for june

Happy Full moon!Want to let you know that there are people signed up for the Reiki 1 class, June 10 & 11 (two day course) 1-5, if you want to sign up let me know! $125 for the two day course, handouts, books and attunement all included. Let me know if you have any other questions.This weeks tip is to read the food ingredients of what you eat! For example your wheat bread, might not be so much wheat. If it has carmel coloring, chances are it is not so much wheat. Look for whole grains and read your ingredients careful! Read all ingredients careful, it might look healthy on the outside, but inside it has High Fructose Cornsyrup, Partially Hydrogenated Oils and other things that do not give you nutrients and can be hurtful to your body. Remember the food that goes in helps to power your body, so choose wisely. Lots of varied colors and cooked in a healthy way is what you want. There are all sorts of healthy cookbooks out there, check them out!When was the last time you had a strawberry shake at Burger King? Here is the ingredients list. Let me know if you find real STRAWBERRY in there anywhere. :0)Happy munching!-RhondaWhere is the strawberry?STRAWBERRY SHAKE SYRUPCorn Syrup, Water, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Citric Acid, Artificial Flavor, Sodium Benzoate (Preservative),and Colored with Red (Modified March 2007)If you break down the true meaning behind the ingredients."A typical artificial strawberry flavor, like the kind found in a Burger King strawberry milk shake, contains the following ingredients: amyl acetate, amyl butyrate, amyl valerate, anethol, anisyl formate, benzyl acetate, benzyl isobutyrate, butyric acid, cinnamyl isobutyrate, cinnamyl valerate, cognac essential oil, diacetyl, dipropyl ketone, ethyl acetate, ethyl amyl ketone, ethyl butyrate, ethyl cinnamate, ethyl heptanoate, ethyl heptylate, ethyl lactate, ethyl methylphenylglycidate, ethyl nitrate, ethyl propionate, ethyl valerate, heliotropin, hydroxyphenyl-2-butanone (10 percent solution in alcohol), a-ionone, isobutyl anthranilate, isobutyl butyrate, lemon essential oil, maltol, 4-methylacetophenone, methyl anthranilate, methyl benzoate, methyl cinnamate, methyl heptine carbonate, methyl naphthyl ketone, methyl salicylate, mint essential oil, neroli essential oil, nerolin, neryl isobutyrate, orris butter, phenethyl alcohol, rose, rum ether, g-undecalactone, vanillin, and solvent. "The Atlantic (

Thursday, May 28, 2009

may tip two-it takes a village

You know how I am. If I keep repeating something or keep seeing something then I have to pass it along to you. One thing that I have mentioned to a few clients and have recently realized in my own life is that it takes a village to raise a child.

You might be over 18 and have your own family, have many friends and you may have been supporting yourself for many years, but you're not done with being raised. No you don't have to move in with your best friend and hang on through this tip.

What am I saying you ask? I'll use myself as an example. As you may know I am participating in a Lance Armstrong Foundation, 45 mile Livestrong Challenge bike ride. ( or you want to learn more about my ride.) This is a big deal considering that when I signed up (officially March of 2009), the most I had rode on my bike was maybe 15 miles. Now I am up to 25 miles on a regular ride, climbed up Mill Mountain and endurance rides are 31 plus miles. I'm proud of myself, but I have not been alone through all of this.

Here is where the village comes in. I first got the approval from my Chiropractor and Acupuncturist. Most importantly my partner, because my constant training, fundraising and awareness raising was going to impact her life too. I have had friends coach me on climbing steep mountains, friends riding with me on long rides and encouragement, and helping me with my bake sale (location,treats and all sorts of support). I go to the chiropractor almost weekly, acupuncturist is called a lot with aches and pains and questions. Tammy cooks great food, I talk to friends all of the time about rides and the list goes on and on. In short, we don't do anything alone.

All of our choices impact other people and all of our actions impact other people. This applies to negaitve thought, actions and reactions. I many times have to contemplate on what I say and do, to see if that is how I want myself to be presented to the world. I do not always succeed, I do get mad, upset and discouraged, but I try to move past it and not to allow it to become a part of how I define myself in that moment. My daily interactions impact the lives of all sorts of people, friends and family.

We may seem like we are alone, in our interactions, but we aren't. If you do feel alone, ask yourself; if you are willing to have people get close to you? Are you willing to have people help you? Are you open to change or difference in your life?. Think seriously and answer honestly! I use to feel I did not have any friends and I did all I could to get friends, but I was mistaken. I was dubbed "the queen of the 2 minute conversation". I could work a room, but never really allowed people the chance to really get to know who I am. In short and reflection today, I felt there were parts of my life I had to hide. A wise teacher in my village who has helped me to be raised me once said, "You go, come here, go away, come here, go away, come here, go away." and how most people just go away. I did not understand until a few years ago what that meant, but have it now.

I did not make the changes in my life overnight and I now recognize that it has taken a village to continue to raise me, even as an adult. Know that gradual changes in your life is easier to stick and with the least amount of backlash, so one step at a time as you and others around you are comfortable.

Happy villaging!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

first tip of May!

Hi! I know, the weekly tip did not happen last week. As you may know I am working on training for a 45 mile Livestrong Challenge ride that will occur in Philadelphia ( if you wanna volunteer or do a ride or walk or run). As a result, my time is becoming a little short on availability. You can follow my journey at my blog which is titled "More Than A Ride",

Now I believe that at least through the summer I am going to change the weekly tip to every other week. So here is the first tip of May!

Not so much a tip, but continuation of the Reiki discussion. This one will look at what to expect during a treatment.

-You get to keep your clothes on!
-There are several hand positions that go over the entire body. It does not include any personal or private parts and these hand positions are discussed before your treatment to make sure you understand what is going to occur.
-You will be laying on a table similar to a massage table and often covered by a blanket because your temperature can fluctuate.
-In my office I play soothing music (with a wide variety I try to find something for everyone).
-I begin the treatment.
-You may drift off into a meditative state, though you feel as though you are asleep. Often people state that they feel like they had a whole night sleep after the treatment.
-I go through the hand positions and any that I may be guided to. In this day and age, knees are often one of the ones that come up that are not one of the primary hand positions.
-I tap your shoulder and let you know I am done and we discuss anything that you may have experienced during your treatment.
-I give you some water and we discuss your next appointment and you go and enjoy your day.

Some of the many benefits that you may see from a full Reiki treatment is better sleep, able to concentrate more, soreness may subside, peacefulness and so much more you would get tired of reading.

Hope this helps with your expanding your understanding of Reiki. Be sure and send me questions if you have any more.

There is a Reiki Master class scheduled the first weekend in June, but you will need to have Reiki 1 and 2 to be able to participate. Look in up coming days for the summer Reiki 1 classes.

Peace and joy,

Monday, April 20, 2009

weekly tip slip up

Ooops! I neglected to send a weekly tip last week and the week before was Easter and was not planning that. I sure have missed everyone and hope everyone is having a great spring.It is interesting, I was going to continue to look at the wonderful world of Reiki. However, this week and last week everytime I focused on where to look at Reiki, something else came up. Diet! Not even including what I am reading, I had clients with questions and other random occurances. So the universe speaks so I listen or try too.So here is what I keep running into, diabetes. Yea, my sugar is just fine, actually it runs low. Thank goodness, cause I have a crazy kind of sweet tooth! One of the things that I have read in multiple places (I'll share those books momentarily) is that diabetes is a warning sign of cancer. OH NO! Yep, here is why in the easiest way I have ever heard it explained. Because I have heard for years that yes, people living with diabetes has a higher risk of illness and other maladies, it did not all connect until I heard Dr. Ann Kulze speak at a Carilion Women's Health University (540-266-6000 to find out when the next one is, they are very informative and on different topics). This is how she put it and I had an "a-ha moment". Inuslin is a "fighter" hormone. If it is off fighting high sugar, it cannot be fighting off a cold, flu or cancer. So if you do have diabetes keep it in check! If you can start excercising and watching your diet and keep in constant communication with your primary care physician, becuase there might come a day when you do not need it, but let them decide. Here are few more juicy details. ZERO Trans fats does not always mean zero trans fats! OMG! What what I said. Yep our food makers that pre-package everything has made it so that your ZERO trans fats can have up to 500 milligrams of trans fats and still say 0. Those 500mg add up! Eat berries with your breakfast and if it is winter get frozen, but eat them. They have a great source of antioxidants. In short those are the cool things that helps our bodies stay healthy.Add water, just because it is that good! The general rule of thumb is 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water. If you weigh 100 pounds dring 50 ounces of water. Here are a few books to help you get started and possibly get motivated!Dr. Ann's 10-Step Diet: A Simple Plan For Permanent Weight Loss and Lifelong Vitality by Dr. Ann Kulze - 0974832812Master Your Metabolism: The 3 Diet Secrets to Naturally Balancing Your Hormones for a Hot and Healthy Body! by Jillian Michaels and Mariska van Aalst - 0307450732Anticancer: A New Way of Life by David Servan-Schreiber - 0670020346The Culprit and The Cure: Why lifestyle is the culprit behind America's poor health by Steven Aldana - 0975882813Stop & Go Fast Food Nutrition Guide (Paperback)by Steven Aldana - 0975882848Don't forget that I am donating 50% of your appointment cost to The Lance Armstrong Foundation in the month of April! :o)Peace and joy!Rhonda

Friday, April 3, 2009

Weekly tip 04/03/2009

Happy April 2009!
I know that you see Reiki on my Facebook group, holding classes, practices and sessions. I recognize that you may not have any clue what Reiki is and how it can benefit you. The benefits are countless and limited only to your belief. Let us start at the beginning.

What is Reiki?
It is a channeled energy that comes from whatever higher source you believe in. Whatever you choose to call your higher source, God, Allah, Buddha, you, Jesus and so on. It does not come from your energy, so you do not get tired. In fact you get the benefits of the energy at the same time you give a treatment.

How does Reiki work?
Put simply, it gives you good energy and takes away the room for the bad energy. That is if you believe in good and bad. :0) Therefore if there is no room for energy that can drag you down, you have improved health, concentration, better sleep, better coping abilities and the list goes on.

How many levels of Reiki classes are there?
Three levels. At this time Reiki 1 & 2 are one day classes or two half day classes. In Reiki 1 the cost is $125 and includes a book, lots of handouts and the four attunements to open you up to the Reiki energy. Reiki 2 is $225 and expands your Reiki energy to be more powerful and allows you to send distant Reiki. Reiki 3 or the mastership class is $300 and is a two day class. I do offer discounts for full-time students. Ask if you have a question about classes or know someplace you would like to see a class held. With Reiki 1 you can begin a Reiki healing practice, though it is not recommended until Reiki 2, because the energy gets strong the more you use it.

How much does a session cost?
In my office I charge $30/hour, with most sessions not going over an hour.

One wonderful benefits of Reiki is it brings you closer to God and it helps to grow your spiritual practices and beliefs. In the classes I feel the wonderful energy of angels and God filling the room. The same energy comes in during treatment sessions too. Your guardian angels, spirit guides or whatever you call your spirit helpers comes in to assist in your healing. So that the Reiki energy can go exactly where you need it most, even though there are several hand positions that go all over the body.

There is a very brief explanation of what Reiki is. Feel free to ask questions. More next week. :0)
Peace and joy,
Don't forget I am doing a 45 Mile Livestrong Challenge Bicycle ride and sharing my journey in my blog at:

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

weekly tip March 25, 2009

"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You, too? Thought I was the only one."' ~C.S.Lewis
Friends are an amazing thing. There are all sorts of references to friends in books, magazines and including a TV sitcom titled Friends. Why? Simply because they are the core of what helps us through the things in our life. Now it is true that you are the core of what gets us through things. We make the choices in our life to embark on whatever action we choose to a situation.
Friends help make tough times easier and help make the easy times fun. However, if you do not have friends this makes this tough to hear. And you may or may not want friends. If you are feeling a limit in the friend category, step back and ask yourself if you are even open to have friends. I know for years I could say that I did not have a close group of friends, I had a group of "friendly acquaintances", but none were the ones you could call when you needed something serious. However, I was not in a place to accept people in my life. Primarily because I was not sure about my life, I was not sure where I was going or if I even knew who I was. I kept myself very busy. I got over that and now I have those friends that I can call when I need them for all sorts of things.
Also make sure that your friendships are exactly what you need. Friendships like romantic relationships go both ways, they should help you to feel nourished and you should help them to feel nourished. And keep in mind, that those times may vary, one may nourish more than others through those difficult times.
If you already have friends, take a moment and let them know they are important to you and as a part of your life. Send them a cute card or ask them out for coffee. Because one day, you may wake up and go, "Where is so and so?".
Look to see how you can enrich your relationships with your friends. We're all in this together!
Peace and joy,Rhonda____ *** Don't forget that 50% of all appointments in the month of April will be donated to the Livestrong Challenge.

weekly tip March 25, 2009

"Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You, too? Thought I was the only one."' ~C.S.Lewis
Friends are an amazing thing. There are all sorts of references to friends in books, magazines and including a TV sitcom titled Friends. Why? Simply because they are the core of what helps us through the things in our life. Now it is true that you are the core of what gets us through things. We make the choices in our life to embark on whatever action we choose to a situation.
Friends help make tough times easier and help make the easy times fun. However, if you do not have friends this makes this tough to hear. And you may or may not want friends. If you are feeling a limit in the friend category, step back and ask yourself if you are even open to have friends. I know for years I could say that I did not have a close group of friends, I had a group of "friendly acquaintances", but none were the ones you could call when you needed something serious. However, I was not in a place to accept people in my life. Primarily because I was not sure about my life, I was not sure where I was going or if I even knew who I was. I kept myself very busy. I got over that and now I have those friends that I can call when I need them for all sorts of things.
Also make sure that your friendships are exactly what you need. Friendships like romantic relationships go both ways, they should help you to feel nourished and you should help them to feel nourished. And keep in mind, that those times may vary, one may nourish more than others through those difficult times.
If you already have friends, take a moment and let them know they are important to you and as a part of your life. Send them a cute card or ask them out for coffee. Because one day, you may wake up and go, "Where is so and so?".
Look to see how you can enrich your relationships with your friends. We're all in this together!
Peace and joy,Rhonda____ *** Don't forget that 50% of all appointments in the month of April will be donated to the Livestrong Challenge.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

A little bit about me

Thank you for taking a moment to learn a little more about Holistic Energy Works and about me. I was just voted Best Reiki Practitioner 2009 in City Magazine ( I am a 2001 graduate of Hollins University. Then returned to Hollins in 2007 to work toward a masters degree. I studied reflexology at Baltimore SchooI of Reflexology and I am currently working toward national certification. In addition to studying reflexology I participate in classes offered by the Rocky Mount Mystery School and always looking for ways to further my knowledge base. I am also a Reiki Master Teacher. I have been aware of energy around us for as long as I can remember. I started my energy work by moving harmful energy off of people, whether it was stress, pain or something else I was able to move it or greatly reduce it so that it was not weakening to their everyday life. After some time I figured it was time to take my ability to work with energy to a new level and became certified as a Reiki I practitioner. Since then, I have gone onto other levels in Reiki and have also begun the path of unblocking energy in the body through reflexology. I can help you to start unblocking energy in your body and adding energy to many parts of your life. My energy work does not stop at you, but can be extended to your home and fur-kids. For example; your house picks up energy, just like you and I do. Energy in your house can become blocked and can cause your house to become tired and unable to provide you the peaceful and revitalizing refuge that it has been for you in the past.In addition to my formal training, one aspect of my practice that I find is important; is that wherever possible, I have developed a sustainable practice. By using organic, fair trade, and sustainable resources, the good energy starts at the moment you walk into the door. For example all of my lotions and oils are organic and where possible also fair trade. Help me to assist you in bringing balance and harmony into your body, mind and spirit.Life is energy!

testing 1-2 test test test

This is my first blog post and do not want to put anything major or bizarre. So this is it. Numero uno!