Monday, December 28, 2009



Here is to your 2009 wrapping up with lots of health and joy!
This week we are going to all embark on a brand spanking spiffy fresh New Year’s Resolution. Though I did not make it all the way through 2009 with my resolution next year, I am once again setting a goal to floss at least once a week. I know, daily is suppose to happen, but if it is more than once a quarter than it is an improvement. At least I am honest.
The advice I have for you and your New Year Resolution is to try and look at the whole of you and all aspects of your life. Set goals and set specific changes to help you achieve those goals. I am buying new flossing agents, flavored too and finding what makes it easiest to happen.
Maybe with this fantastic dawning of 2010, you look at how you can improve your life and not take away things. Yes it feels amazing to step on a scale and see the distance it revolves around or counts up to decrease feels amazing. However, our subconscious can see that we are losing something. How many times have you lost and regained, plus some? It is because we do not like to lose things in our life.
Try to set goals, such as to become healthier, to complete a 5K or to eat more veggies. It feels better when we reach our goals and we do not “lose” things. We are creating a whole new healthier self. Try to give to yourself and not take away from. Make it about the reward and not the punishment.
In a church I use to attend we had a “Healing Candle”, with that part of service we would light a candle (obviously) and say a mantra or a prayer or whatever you want to call it along with light a candle. I would like to share that with you. It is a good way to look at ourselves and where we might have a place to focus and also away to find where our strength is. I invite you to look at ways in which you might have disease or dis-ease or fear living in your life. Let it go and live with love.
Healing Candle
Disease is so limited: It cannot cripple love. It cannot shatter hope. It cannot corrode faith. It cannot eat away peace. It cannot destroy confidence. It cannot kill friendship. It cannot shut out memories. It cannot silence courage. It cannot invade the soul. It cannot reduce eternal life. It cannot quench the Spirit. It cannot lessen the power of the resurrection. In god’s love we rest. Amen.
Peace and joy,

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