Saturday, October 30, 2010

Moving again

Sorry, but yes I am moving to another location. The location I am moving from had been absolutely wonderful and Joyce has provided a peaceful setting. Though when the elevator broke it became difficult for many people to make it to an appointment.
It is important that healing, stress reduction and personal time to be as carefree as possible, which prompted me to look for a new office space. Then the perfect opportunity came when a friend said she was looking to share her office space and voila, we have a new office.
Please, make your appointment today, you will enjoy the new space as much as I will and look forward to becoming nestled and begin working with each of you. You will not have to alter your driving too much, I will be right behind where I currently am in the Carriage Glenn complex. When you make your appointment I will give you exactly how to find me, as the new space is tucked away in an almost private feeling space.
I look forward to seeing you soon. Do not forget while you are shopping for everyone else in the upcoming weeks to take some time out for you, because you are worth it.
The first class to be offered there will be the weekend of November 6, 10-6 both Saturday and Sunday is Reiki Master. You can take it as an audit or for the first time (must have completed Reiki 1 & 2, at least 21 days prior to the class). If you are interested in taking a Reiki class, please feel free to contact me. It is a wonderful energy to work with and a great way for you to connect to your divine purpose.
Happy healing,

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