Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Art and Relaxation of Meditation

The Art and Relaxation of Meditation
April 22, 6:30 – 8:30; $10 in the Holistic Energy Works office
Have you ever sat on the balcony at the beach watching the waves and the sunrise with a cup of hot coffee in complete silence, then felt a complete peace and calm afterward and for much of the day? Or have you sat and watched the twinkles of the Christmas tree lights blink and change, later to notice you are more focused? Or looked for shapes in the cloud on a partly cloudy spring day, feeling an inner calm as you got up to go home?
You may not realize it, but you were meditating. For that moment that was the most important thing for you to do, whether you realize it or not. Meditating helps us to gain focus, lose weight, rest and a host of other things. Though meditating has this whole crazy expectation of people sitting on cushions or folded into a strange positions or whatever you have heard, so you did not realize it. There are all sorts of ways to meditate, but most of us do not know this most of our lives.
Meditation is simply removing thought from your head for a few minutes each day. I know easier said than done and hard to recognize the value until you do it on a regular basis. Meditation has helped me to do all sorts of things that I would not have been able to do as easily before I had a regular practice of meditation.
On April 22, I will hold a meditation workshop from 6:30-8:30, to help teach you several different types of meditation. It is a $10 class that will also include a guided meditation, instruction on different types of meditation and better understanding of the benefits of meditation.

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