Thursday, May 7, 2009

first tip of May!

Hi! I know, the weekly tip did not happen last week. As you may know I am working on training for a 45 mile Livestrong Challenge ride that will occur in Philadelphia ( if you wanna volunteer or do a ride or walk or run). As a result, my time is becoming a little short on availability. You can follow my journey at my blog which is titled "More Than A Ride",

Now I believe that at least through the summer I am going to change the weekly tip to every other week. So here is the first tip of May!

Not so much a tip, but continuation of the Reiki discussion. This one will look at what to expect during a treatment.

-You get to keep your clothes on!
-There are several hand positions that go over the entire body. It does not include any personal or private parts and these hand positions are discussed before your treatment to make sure you understand what is going to occur.
-You will be laying on a table similar to a massage table and often covered by a blanket because your temperature can fluctuate.
-In my office I play soothing music (with a wide variety I try to find something for everyone).
-I begin the treatment.
-You may drift off into a meditative state, though you feel as though you are asleep. Often people state that they feel like they had a whole night sleep after the treatment.
-I go through the hand positions and any that I may be guided to. In this day and age, knees are often one of the ones that come up that are not one of the primary hand positions.
-I tap your shoulder and let you know I am done and we discuss anything that you may have experienced during your treatment.
-I give you some water and we discuss your next appointment and you go and enjoy your day.

Some of the many benefits that you may see from a full Reiki treatment is better sleep, able to concentrate more, soreness may subside, peacefulness and so much more you would get tired of reading.

Hope this helps with your expanding your understanding of Reiki. Be sure and send me questions if you have any more.

There is a Reiki Master class scheduled the first weekend in June, but you will need to have Reiki 1 and 2 to be able to participate. Look in up coming days for the summer Reiki 1 classes.

Peace and joy,

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